STAAR Alternate 2 Resources
The State of ÌìÌì×ö°® Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Alternate 2 is an alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards. It is a standardized item-based assessment administered individually to eligible students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are receiving special education services. STAAR Alternate 2 fulfills the requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Every Student Succeeds Act.ÌýÌý
STAAR Alternate 2 is a paper assessment in mathematics, reading language arts (RLA), science, and social studies for students in grades 3–8 and high school.
Who Is Tested?
A student's admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee must determine if the student meets the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2.ÌýAll students enrolled in ÌìÌì×ö°® public schools and open-enrollment charter schools in grades 3–12 who meet the participation requirements are required to participate in STAAR Alternate 2 at their enrolled grade level or course.
- Participation Requirements
- Participation Requirements-Spanish
- Participation Requirements Companion Document
- Participation Requirements Companion Document-Spanish
- Participation Requirements Frequently Asked QuestionsÌý
- Revised STAAR Alternate 2 Participation Requirements Webinar PPT
- Revised STAAR Alternate 2 Participation Requirements Webinar PDF
If an ARD committee determines that a student meets the eligibility criteria for "No Authentic Academic Response" (NAAR) or a "Medical Exception," the student will not be required to participate in STAAR Alternate 2.ÌýÌý
- STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate NAARÌýEligibility Requirements
- STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate NAAR Eligibility Requirements-Spanish
- STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements
- STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements-Spanish
What Is Tested?
The ÌìÌì×ö°® Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Vertical Alignment documents provide a complete listing of the TEKS curriculum from pre-kindergarten through end-of-course (EOC).ÌýThese documents provide a total overview of the knowledge and skills statements and align student expectations across the grades. The student expectations provide access points to the general education curriculum by serving as prerequisite skills for STAAR Alternate 2.ÌýÌý
In addition to the prerequisite skills, there are specific terms that students will need exposure to during instruction. This list does not encompass all of the curriculum a student would be responsible for; it is a unique list of instructional terms developed by educator teams. Students need to become familiar with these terms as the student is developmentally able to comprehend the content. Students in higher grades need to also know the terms presented in earlier grades.
What Do Test Questions Look Like?
Access released test questions at STAAR Alternate 2 Released Test Questions.
What Is Reported?
- Performance Standards
- Progress Measures
- Statewide Summary Reports
- Statewide Item Analysis Reports
- Raw Score Conversion Tables
- 2023ÌýSTAAR Alternate 2 Grades 3–8 Frequency Distribution
- 2023ÌýSTAAR Alternate 2 EOC Frequency DistributionÌý
What Other Information Is Available?
Test Administration
ÌìÌì×ö°® ESSA 1.0 Percent Waiver
- ÌìÌì×ö°® Compliance Plan for the One Percent Threshold
- ÌìÌì×ö°® One Percent Consequences Letter
- STAAR Alternate 2 Justification and Assurances SummaryÌý
- Sample JustificationÌýand AssurancesÌýForm
- 2023–2024ÌýSTAAR Alternate 2 Disproportionality Calculation
- 2023 ÌìÌì×ö°® One Percent Waiver Denial
- 2022–2023ÌýÌìÌì×ö°® One Percent Cap Waiver Request
Student Assessment Division
(512) 463-9536